Tuesday, July 21, 2009

u ever think

Its funny how shit changes. Ever think, not to think about shit and just let shit flow and let shit go. Everything was new, fresh and different- almost perfect but not quite.Everything and everyone has their flaws and insecurities that's what makes a relationship work because you have to deal with each other. Eventually, you start to think shit seems too good to be true and your mind starts going. Not even the fact your thoughts are running but your intuition is kicking you in the ass. And for some reason or another you have a feeling shits bout to change or hit the fucking bricks. i almost thought i was a physic . and then at the very moment they open they mouth to say something, in your mind you got deja vu and an epiphany all at once. And the various moments, good or bad suddenly, seize to exist. Ever try to make someone as happy as you could even to the point where everything that makes them mad you change. before you know it your not acting like yourself. Your people are wondering whats wrong with you and how come your not they same old person. You over here not saying anything to get them mad , but they become mad anyway cuz you don know what to say anymore. when your around one another ya'll tense and full of confusion .From that very moment you know everything you do or say will get them mad but. So you try not to get them mad in anyway . So instead of saying or doing shit that would get them mad you try to avoid the simplest thing that would get them mad but it only makes shit worse.Eventually emotions are circling and you simply forget how to react to even the simplest gesture. At that moment you dont want to give any sign of weakness yet your excited to know that they all well.. i cant begin to describe how i feel about how it feels to be in love and loose. cuz it hurts

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