Monday, October 12, 2009
if u dont know ..i want u to now get into me ! <= is the link click it n book mark it ...
imma keep this blog but the other one is def more in depth
once again get into me !
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Not gonna ly thas how i feel right now so imma give yall something from the heart.
I think its completely fine to fall for a friend even a best friend. Yall alrdy have the concrete friendship and know each other truths and lies. But after you make it known there should be rules and boundaries. Make sure they are CLEAR as day n glow in the dark. And during which u decide to tell ur friend how u feel make sure they see and feel the love as well.
Along the lines of DATING ... if in the beginning of tryin to see if something works with a friend u need to be honest and let them kno whether or not u are talking to other ppl, if tha is not alrdy an established in ur rules and boundaries. If "ur doors" are not all closed before you decide to open another u need to either close those doors and lock them or just open all ur doors. I dont need for u to have cracked doors, tha leads to secrets(writing out loud). And if WE are FRIENDS we shouldn't have secrets. ABOVE EVERYTHING else we were friends 1st. RIGHT? riiiiiiight...
So imma say this for all of u who wanna go forth with a friend i encourage u if the feelings are mutual. Let it be known in the beginning if its just tha one person or ur talkin to more then 1 person as well so they do not get all wrapped up in u. Or else in the end one person for sure if not more will end up hurt. Friendships could be lost and u'll be sittin at home wondering WHAT IF?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
U interested.......
Here's a lil bout me.........
My name ...Sassy
Aries is my personality so they say but others tell me differently im not the typical female im hella different have a convo with me out side of myspace, blogger, twitter n else where..n u'll see...
Im a big ass kid! i love cartoons, children, disney movies and roller costers!
Imma geek! i love school and writing i hate grammer and spelling ! and im not gonna try n fix it cuz thats wha editing is for!
My game is writing ... personal stories for ppl, poems and short stories to get ur panties wet n occasionally a few penis' hard if they pass thru the buildin...
I recently did the big chop (in June 09) its goin n growin ... I feel liberated
Pet Peeves :time,liers, u askin me dumb questions when the answer is obvious, or u askin am i single when my status CLEARLY sasy single!
Food:i hate mushrooms, onions, cauliflower and pigs ft other then tha im down to try n e thing new
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Is she a Fem? Dom? StuD? AG? TOmboi?
Okay i understand the need for else are we gonna be able to distinguish the difference of girl A n B at the club to our friends" aye look at tha dom ova thea next to the fem in yellow!" ya dig..but i don think its a bad thing. So y is it i get mad when someone calls me a AG? LAWD if i knew!
The problem with me (not rlly a prob) is i fit non of the labels therefore im me! I'm VERSITILE as hell. i got the mental of a stud, im sensual like a fem but i love to play sports n i hate wearing dresses. I find myself real affectionate to some and cold hearted to others (such as smuts). I could dress as a stud n put tha shit off, or i could b a fem n show the goodies off! (i prefer fem look). But if i had to pic a label it would be tomboi. I love my basket ball shorts n beaters but i love to get my toes, nails and hair did on a reg!
Dont call me AG, im not the aggressive type AT ALL! i mean mayb in the bedroom if u catch me on a extremely horny day! But im not the one to b ag at all. dont get it twisted im sassy as fuck but my booski(my bff at work) says im ag n i don see how or y she would call me tha.
N. E way whats ur opinion on the labels thing?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
slow motion

Let the oxygen slowly enter thru the opening of ur liips/inhale the stimulant tha enhances ur every reaction/exhale as I inhale and release/ as we inhale n exhale each others air our surroundings stand still/nothing moving bsides the poundin of my heart/or is tha ur heart beat drownin out the sounds from around us/ I move to sit wit my legs wrapped around ur hips/close enough to inhale as u exhale again/we move close/closer/ again I inhale as u exhale n embrace those soft lips/ slowly/slowly/slowly our lips touch n every nerve n my body bcums electrified/right to left/left then sucking ur top lip as u suck my bottom/right... pressing on deeply/for what seems an eternity we slowly kiss,suck and devour each others lips and tongues/ slowly/slowly/slowly I bite on ur bottom lip as u bite my top lip/inhale and I exhale/I placin my hands on ur hands that are placed around my face...right now/ right here/ this is the time and the place/ when they say the the sun and the moon show face/ the stars shine brighter n the day/ the wind sings and time stand still destony has been fulfilled/u inhale as I exhale and embrace ur taste/slowly/slowly/ I can only hear our heart beats/ right to left/left to right/ we kiss passionately being stimulated n more then 1 way only I can say... she stole my breathe away.....
sequal located at
Thursday, September 3, 2009
in this room
with my arms crossin my breast
my chin on my left shoulder
i inhale the filthy air
i relax and let my head fall back slowly
exhaling and embracing freedom
as my body losens from the tention i release
i trace with both hands the curves of my neck
collar bone, chest and breast
slightly softer then n e lover
slower then love making
i touch my body payin close attention
to the sensation of
my touch
and where those feeling end
around my round breast, across my hardened nipple and into my waist
i feel the baby soft skin
underneath my finger tips
I look over my shoulder n into the mirror
inhale and slowly run my hands around the back
and down the arch of my back
across my ass and around my hips and in between my thighs
and as i bend down to caress my curvey calves
i come back up with more speed then before
running my hands inside my thighs and lips
across my clit givin me a tingle
as my hands find there way hovering over my belly breast and shoulders
i inhale close my eyes and an expression of freedom comes across my face
Friday, August 21, 2009
2. make sure u don look like u jus came from high school gym class with ur sweats over ur jeans cuz u was too lazy to change
2.5 i might ask you for id if you look that young
3. plz don send ur friend ova askin if im gay, taken or sayin my boy/ girl wanna holla!
4. dont try to holla with some lame ass "did u hurt when you fell outta heaven" bullshit
5. if i do agree to givin u my AIM don make it seem like i gave u the digets n the address to my crib cuz IF we go out im meetin u somewhere
6. all terms are subject to change. just cuz we were talkin for an hour last nite, dont expect it every damn nite
7. plz do not fall in love with me after a month of talkin to me i kno my game is titer then the next touch me not stud n my swagga is fierce!
8. Dont think that just cuz we talkin you supposed to meet my friends n fam. u aint permanent yet!
8.5 or if u do meet my friends its only cuz secretly i want their approval
8.9 and when u do, that dont mean you can add em on myspace, facebook, twitter, tagged... none of dat
9. If you DO get the digits, dont text me on some bullshit. "hey" no fck that i got shit to do
10. if i invite u to my crib n u spendin the night bcuz i fall aslp don mean u can go holl@my roommate n when she denies u come back n try to get some from me! hahaha
11. when u get my # don b callin me for some phone sex on our 1st or sec third or any convo for tha matter u aint my girl/man
11.5 or on some "i wanna fall asleep with you on the phone" whore u aint payin my got damned bill. *click*
12. plz don hit me up as soon as my away message goes down or the second i get out of work @3 u callin me @ 3:01 "are u off yet"
12.5 or show up for my lunch break talkin bout "i thought we'd do lunch" how do u know my damn schedule!?
13. dont b callin all the chains in the city tryin to find me at work cuz i didnt answr ur text or phone call BITCH! im working!
14. If we met on Myspace... just cuz i gave u some play dont mean start changin names and statuses about me, or commentin on every pic i have. stalker
15. if we talkin n u half way across the world imma need for u to be more realistic about the situation less im movin there..its neva gonna work!
15.5 and even if we live down the street it STILL may not work
16. bcuz we talkin don mean u need to bfriend me on all the social networks there are (FB,MyS,Bebo,Migente,BP,Tagged,DL, Yahoo,AIM, and n e otha site out thea)
17. The first few dates, we goin dutch on the bill. i aint payin ur way. i dont even like u for real.
17.5 ps im bored thas tha only reason y im goin out wit u LETs not even call this a date
18. when and IF we fck, dont try to cuddle, i dont love u. we can work on that but yehhhh...
18.5 afta we fuck kno u not spendin the nt less u cookin for me n don touch me afta i come out the shower
18.9 and even after then, u still might have to leave, my friends is comin over
19.if i havent started callin u my boo n we fckin then ur title is offically BC
19.5 so dont give yourself your own title.
19.9 or tellin ppl ur my boo gf, bf lover booski, bff dont even tell ppl u kno me
20. By this time if u still around... u prolly deserve to be with me... after u shave.
20.5 now imma need u to shave brush ur teeth and do ur hair at this very moment cuz i kno u look a hot mess right now
21. Dont hold my hand when we go out, or try to hug/kiss me in public. i might see my future while we're out
21. 5 if we go to the club don b holdin my waist n walkin up my ass when im browsin the club fuck im tryin to make it look like im alone
22. Dont go thru my phone cuz *phone rings* hold up thats my baby right here... u know where the door is.
23. dont b makin all the playist on ur pages lovey doavey songs cuz u think we got a love jones goin nicca i said u THINK! cuz aint shit goin on bsides ur head game!
23.5 ol 'i bet u think this song is about u' ass
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
i just got out of a crazy long distance relationship (see blog suicide and relationships) so im not looking for nothin too serious.
IMMA NEED for u to 1st and foremost to be 21 plus ( if i cant go on a date with u to the bar or go clubbing with u SMH then idk wha to do with u)ps i kno theres otha shit to do but don get mad when i say im goin to the club u wait ... u cant go
IMMA NEED for you to have a job! im not tryin to support u and me while im in school and u at home in ur moms crib playin video games all fuckin day!
IMMA NEED for u to go to school cuz i cant b a college graduate n u a high school drop out
IMMA NEED u to also have so serious aspirations and goals (short and long) goin on
IMMA NEED you not to judge me
IMMA NEED you to appreciate me for me
IMMA NEED TO BE SANE (no crazy possessive bitches)
IMMA NEED you to be about family cuz im all about mines (n no,i have no children)
IMMA NEED to be close to me, visit more then once a month if i cant make it to see u every so often and vice versa then this will neva work i need to cuddle once n a while
IMMA NEED STUDS to be intune with ur softer side im not fuckin with hard studs
IMMA NEED to love a girl with curves, thick, juicey curves (im at my thickest right now but when i get back to my reg size im still thicker then a milk shake baby!)
IMMA NEED u not to a lazy ass THANKS
thas all for now cuz i feel like im askin for too much
the topic of a stud
MY OPINION n i didnt ask for ur negativity....
1st and foremost a stud is a lesbian n ALL women can act this way straight or gay so don get it twisted
I've messed with the fem, the diva, the stem, the butch bitch (as i say), the soft stud and the hard stud and i consider myself a fem/ tomboi.
in my opinion imma say out them all i cant stand to date a LESBIAN who says
To be honest i will neva date a hard stud eva again..not my thing. i need a female who can b dominant yet she know she is a women n is sensitive towards me. if she wanna b all hard round ha brahs or otha pplz then i don give 2 shits lol. jus don tell me wha u wanna b called. Don get me wrong u can def tell me u prefer to b called boi but don get mad when eva i say W.E GIRL ! cuz i always say tha.
CALLING U DADDY! oh i don mind though if u doin ur thing in the bed room or u kno im n the mood n im tryin to get u to understand im horny all the fuckin time n u need to help me out like right now!
SHAVING plz women!!!!!!! OMG i cant stand dating someone who doesn't shave. WAit u kno wha do ur thing but dont let it get to the length where i can braid it plz trim the fuck out of tha shit!
So i think in the end we or preferably the studs with tha mentality of a man rather then a boyish girl need to consider a change in lifestyle (FTM) if they look at themselves as more of a man then a women. n if u are completely comfortable as a women studding it out then do u but don get carried away with then names in the dont touch me cuz i rlly dont want to remember that im a female.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
dont say a word (rl quick poem/convo)
quest k
come closer as i pll u near me
breathe the air i wish to share
as i touch ur face n u put ur hands around my waist
our love becomes 1 heart
let me lay u down
massage ur neck
lower back
ur ass
thighs n inner thigh
ur calves and the arch of ur feet
reverse with kisses and nibbles along the way up
as i caress ur curves with my lips
slowly i open u wide
to enter ur inner thigh with my fingers
i want to place them inside ur warm and flowing pleasure and spell my name on the walls
i want to spell my name with the tips of my fingers around ur clit
to then taste the juices flowing spelling our last name with every dripp
as u clench ur legs tight around me while i spell out my name giving u xstacy
i spred ur legs and slowly gesture myself above u
placing small kisses all over
until i
reach the arch of ur back
i bite u and ur shiver
again only closer to ur neck
until i reach ur ear lobe only to whisper
tha i love u dear while inserting 2 and movin u
to the beat of our hearts
whats ur aim? aka rooms
quest: the bathroom
quest: ok
gimmie 3 mins and u tell me when my time is up
quest: kk
quest: yay!
the water in the shower made the bathroom hot and steamy, kind of like how u make me feel. so i walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. quietly i undress my self and reach for the curtain to pull back. i admire the curves of a beautiful blk women standin before me washin away the dirt from the mans world after a long days work. i climb in grabbin her wash clothes and rinsing away the bubles from her body revealing her firm breast and hardened nipples . again i squeeze the water out of the cloth revealin her navel. i turn her towards me to kiss ...
quest: finish!
quest: how u jus gonna stop
cuz u said aye
i said 3 mins
quest: cuz ur time was up
thas y i stopped
quest: continue
say plz
quest: palease
hold on
3 more mins n then stop me
quest: k
quest: ahem
i turn her towards me to kiss the nape of her neck. i work my way down kissin her softly on her collar bones suckin gently on her chin lips and breast, still trasing her body with the cloth until i reach her navel. i begin to softly trace the outside of her belly button ring flickin my tongue in and out of her navel. She laughs softly...slowly i take the cloth and ..
quest: continue!
3 mins
runn it across her body and between her legs i spread them and keep it gentle slightly passing the lips and the clitoris. wider i spread her legs and drop the cloth and clean her wit my lips. sucking on her lips seperating her va jay jay(had to make u laugh) to get to the clit. back n forth i vibrate my tongue on her clit accassionaly sucking the juices tha are flowing from .........
quest: lol
quest: dork
quest: continue
hold on
quest: ok
ok ok
quest: thats waaaay more than the 3 min rule
quest: lol
quest: u knew i was about to chew u up
im bout to start ppl keep aimin me
quest: ok
quest: hmmm
flowing from her sweet and juicy pussy. in and out...i place my tongue inside her warmth grabbing her and pullin her closer so i am able to taste all of her. i play with her pearl faster and faster makin her juices flow faster and thicker. i pause and grab her ass pullin her closer to me glidin my tongue from her hole to her clit ever so slowly adn softly til i hit the top of her lips and she squirts again i do it until she can bare no more her legs quivering and for the very last time as she grabbin on to the curtains i place my whole mouth on her vag and suck all the flowin love from her . on my way back up i grab the wash cloth and put more body wash in it lathering it up to rewash this beautifil women who is now sweatin the steam of hot i beggin to wash her body once more i turn her back towars me and suck
quest: carry on
quest: nooooooooooo
quest: thats like puttin ur finger in my pussy
quest: and taking it out
damn i could of woke the house up with tha laugh
quest: lol
quest: ahhaaaaa
pick another room
quest: lol
quest: kitchen
quest: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
quest: lol
wait imma grab a drink
quest: k
3 mins
in the kitchen
quest: go
quest: run!
shut up
quest: NO!
quest: aheeem
so my girl shani in the middle of cookin dinner when i come in the door from work and i walk by smack her ass n kiss her on the cheak n say " tha smells good wha chu makin" she gonna have the nerve to say this is for me i got none for u" oh fucks no so i say u for rl as i put down all my shit and run up behind her play fightin and shes like hell yea ..ill show u none ..i told her as i grabbed her aggressively and pushed her against the wall suckin on her neck and bhind her ear
quest: lmao
quest: thats realistic
quest: and funny
quest: go ahead
im goin
quest: la la laaaa
hittin her spot n then suckin her bottom lips until she is no longer tense and fightin me shes now weak and in the palm of my hand so i i start to untie her robe and suck on her shoulder blade and making a kissing path to her breast . suckin tenderly and agressively on her left nipple and playing with the other. i pick her ass up and place her on the counter leanin her back placin kisses inbetween her breast followin a path towards a world of ecstacy... i lift her ass up a lil and remove her boy shorts letting her bush free lol..nosa..i spread her legs and stand back lookin at her pussy and then again from another angle..she smacks me n says wha chu doin
quest: wait i gotta read from the beginning
quest: cuz i was laughin
quest: at the first part
quest: lmao
quest: ur retarded
wait till u read this part
rdy 3 mins
quest: ok
i lift her left leg and and begin to kiss every inch of her . inch by inch towards her inner thigh each kiss becomin harder and longer until i reach the middle. and i stand back and look at her glowing pussy , i suck my bottom lip and lean her back placin both legs on my shoulder and begin to tickle her ass with my tongue(neva did this b4) i stop and dig out a pube off my tongue ...nosa... (i cant stop laughin) i move up and dig deep in and out of a cave flushed by liquids until i am flouded i then place my whole tongue on her vag and move like the ocean until i reach the clit playin agressively as if we were tongue wrestling and i win when i feel the leggs around my shoulders quiver and moans become increasingly louder
damn i wasnt suppose to send tha
quest: lol
quest: too late
quest: lmao
quest: smh
i can turn u on and make u laugh
makes my day
quest: lol
quest: finish!
uest: why not?!
she nutted end of story!
quest: lol
quest: jerk
quest: u cant just get it wet
quest: and walk away
its called blue balls
quest: i kno
quest: and i hate it
yes i can done to alot of ppl
quest: lol
quest: i can imagine so
its like findin ur spot and touchin it but then i say ooppps i have to go
quest: lmao
quest: oh shit
quest: well im not them
quest: so finish!
quest: we didnt go to the bed
oh next room????
quest: livingroom
ps she neva ate her dinner
quest: she really didnt
quest: what a waste
naaa girl left overs!!!!!
its a recession girl don waste food
quest: tru tru lol
go twit imma do this one all in one
after she nuts all in my mouth i walk away n head to the livin room cuz im full idk bout her. i hear the water runnin in the sink so i assume shes gettin a glass of water. after i turn the tv on (family guy) i hear the fridge. i think nothin of it and continue to watch tv. again the fridge opens and closes so im like wha is this girl doin? about 5 mins later my girlw alks in the room naked with a cup of ice sits it down on the table and decides to straddle me..."u hot mami?" si mami she says to me , leans forward and kisses me now u kno i wanted to throw her off of me cuz i was watchin family guy but i said imma b nice. so i kiss her back passionately for a while and she went right for my spot ..she started suckin rl hard on my neck bitin me and kissing me like its been yrs since we seen eachother..bitch wasnt i jus eatin u for dinner 10 mins ago? lolna so n e way i push her back n pull her closer her so i can nibble on her nipples suckin one and then movin to the other, she leans back and pulls me forwars to take my shirt offand undoes my bra. she gets up and climbs on top of me layin me down on the couch kissin me and teasing my nipples with hers
quest: LOL @ si mami
quest: lol
quest: i like doin that
quest: nipple teasin
quest: lol
yo y did i forget to put deodorant on and i still smell fresh as hell
quest: lol
quest: thats GOOD
i kno rt
u want more
quest: yess
i grab her waist and position her as if i had a strap on . she leans forward to tease me with her tongue. down she licks kisses and sucks the skin around my belly botton until she reaches the top of my jeans she undoes my jeans and pulls them from the ankles off and i reach out...along with my jeans came my boi shorts and to her surprise i tackles her ass and layed her down suckin on her ceck and kissin her body from head to town her body shiverin from the warmth of my lips and the clod of my tongue which holds the ice Shani grabs my ears and pulls me up before i can rech her pearl and kisses me until the ice cbe in my mouth melts to water. i stradle her and we kiss for a moment.she throws me back and repeats the same to me only to spead my legs and let the ice cube fall from my navel to my bottom and her chasin after it. until she reached my pearl only she placed her thumb on my whole and her tongue on my pearl simultaneously pleasuring me sendin shivers throughout my body and i began to moan ..faster and deeper she entered me hittin my spot drivin me wild suckin and biting and lickin every spot ..for a few moments i could breathe until i exhaled and my body losened up . shifted her and positoned her on top of me clit to clit where she road me slowly grind hers against mines juices mixing and flowing untilt eh friction became unbearable for the both of us and we both again exhaled
quest: ...
they passed out in eachothers arms on the couch neva made it to bed
family guy played in tha back
quest: i bet
quest: that shit jus exhausted my mental
quest: if only it was REAL
quest: i'd be KNOCKED
from wha i did all the work
lolquest: exactly
quest: lol put me to bed
good shit
Friday, August 14, 2009
suicide and relationships
I created a friendship with someone out of pure laughter and from there it deepened. there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. the problem begins when u love too hard too quick and when your not expecting it. I told her im completely different from the rest and she ignored it(i kno everyone says it but im tellin the truth, im from Saturn they say lol). After 4 months of talking and laughing she said "i love you" by accident. what eva i let it go. Sooner or later we made it official and everything changed. Mind you this was a long distance relationship.
I began to notice signs of jealousy. (im a friends person i love and live for my friends ,always have and always will). when it was time for me to be with my girls she never understood i needed "me time". She thought becuz she got holl@ (hollered at) everyday all day she began to think it happened to me 2. She also thought i would betray her like her X did to her for so many years. THE BIGGEST PROBLEM; opening a wound that has not yet fully healed. I constantly told her over and over again "i use to be a dog and when im single all hell can break lose but when im with someone its me n u no1 else in the world" she didnt listen. for the 1st 3 months i cried every nt about something different; from what i could and could not call her to me going to the club every wkend or even what i wear or simple text messages...
As time went on i realized i couldn't deal my love stopped growing, i became less interested but when i told her i need space to think she flipped. then i said fuck it all im thru it became worse. Secrets about bi-polar, manic depression and so on running thru her family came out. I and i knew it was goin to get ugly so i went on DL and asked for advice and some gave it to me. All in all i had to break up with her i was stressing and even if she had an episode i was half a country away and couldn't do anything about it. After we broke up and i didn't call her for 3 days i received horrible emails, aims, texts u name it i got it. callin me out my name sayin she wants ha shit back..then the calm b4 the storm came sayin she was sorry and saying tha she jus wanted me to be happy but she cant live without me and if she cant be with me then shes good. Shes gonna text me lata "will i go to her funeral?". LAWD i was crying for ova 5 hrs cuz i don want to be guilty, or the reason for her committing suicide.(there's so much more to the story) how would i feel after her mom calls me n says oh i found the note saying ur the reason y she killed herself? How am i to deal with a situation like this???
Thank goD for MimSqB cuz if it wasnt for her i would still b crying right now. This convo with the X lasted 5 hrs when it hit 5 am i texted her n neva got a response. Its now one day later and i received no phone calls texts or anything from her mother or her. I jus pray she is alright. I just want you to learn from my experience; plz take advantage of knowledge and learning the signs of different types of depressions, behaviors and characteristics in a person. I know you can act any way with one person and another with a different person. Eventually you will see the truth evolve from within. One can only act for so long before they become restless. Do not rush into a relationship becuz it FEELs right. We all know that you can live with someone your whole life and still not know everything about them...
lv ur thoughts
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Close ur eyes and lean ur head back exhale all the tension within ur body... my body
As I press my lips against ur skin and trace the curves of ur body breathe deep
When I touch every nerve ending and ur body tenses release tha soft moans from ur tender lips
Let me circle ur breast with my mouth and play with your nipples
Left.. right.. right to left ..both @ 1nce
Arch ur back as my hands caress u from ur shoulder towards the bottom of ur ass
Spread ur legs and place 1 on my shoulder while I taste the sweet juices flowing from ur pussy
Let me enter u wit my tongue n then 1 or 2 fingers
As I rap ur legs around my waist and carry u to the bed kiss me deeply bite my top lip ..suck on my neck
Pull my hair just enough to turn me on and create space for u to gently suck on the nape of my neck
As i lay u down and press my body ..and ur body..together can u feel my heart beat ...ur heart beat become one
...IM LAZY lol ill finish this lata
Monday, August 10, 2009
Ms MfknSAssY n MzDOMs 20 RuleZ to relationship.take notes bitches!
2. all excessive flirting is dead, unless its with your significant other
3. any Xs comin around for no reason at all is suspect and is subject for yo ass to get cussed out
4. if you have a baby mama/father, dont be 'chillin'. thats how the lil creature u got now was created.
5. dont come out ur neck talkin about family disorders in the middle of the relationship #imaneed for u to tell me while we talkin so i kno wha im dealin with ahead of time
6. just cuz we together dont mean u can slack up on ur game, dont stop butterin me up or buyin me double cheeseburgers cuz u already booked me. thats petty
6.5 n jus becuz we together don mean tha i wanna see u in sweats and ur pjs n yo head not done all the damn time cuz u gettin to comfy with my ass
6.9 but dont expect me to look like im bout to go to the club everytime i come over
7. don b tryin to bring all ur shit to my crib lil by lil cuz the pumm pumm is good and u wanna hit it every nt
8. and unless i invite you, dont be knockin at my door. i might be with my other bitch.... get out ur feelings im messin wit u
9. dont think for one second cuz me n my besty fucked once n she thinks ur cute tha WE are gonna have a 3sum ..fantascy distroyed!
9.5 You dont see me askin ya moms to join in now do ya? didnt think so.
10. imma need u to let all them bitches in ur phone know im wifey n not ur boo if u can make it past rules 1 thru 10
11. Dont call me a nickname that you call any other broad.
12. dont introduce me to ur family members as yo best friend imma need you to come out the fuckin closet already b4 i drag u out if its not noticable already tha ur a flaming homo
12.5 and if you're still in the closet, you might as well stop now
13. imma need u to step ur game up cuz that bitch right therre *points to the nearest dope chick* is bout to take ur spot cuz u slack
14. dont dress like a bum when we go out, cuz you WILL get left like i don know u
15. don try to show off like ur shit dont stink jus cuz we in front of ur pplz i will repeat i WILL put ur ass on blast
16. worst case scenario... we break up. dont try to put me out on blast, cuz i'll whoop yo ass, AND put u out there. smut
17. dont call me out my name cuz u got caught tryin to smut around n u mad cuz game is wak! y am i with u in the 1st place..oh yea u made it thru rules 1 thru 15
18. dont tell me after the fact that u dont do somethin sexually. da fuck u wait so long to tell me for?!
18.5 fuck it imma get u drunk n make u do it n e way lmao
19. while you're sittin here readin all your rules i prolly be done left you for someone better.
20. i shouldnt have had to write these rule in the first place but i have to teach u so u respect the next bitch KEEP READING
20.5 and you better know how to read...AND take notes. witcha slow ass
21. now if yo ass had jus fucked me and ate my pussy right, shut the fuck up when i said u was wrong and took me out for no reason at all we would still be together
22. Matter of fact. just #killurself if you think we gon get back together either.
22.5 forget we eva met but keep these rules n mind
23. but if u did read the rules, and followed them, and we STILL broke up.... *shrugs* what the fuck happened? lol
24. oh well on to the NXT bitch
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
U wanna kno me
i didn't come here willingly, he begged for her love and gave her 18 yrs of joi that turned into pain when i seen the she devil who i assumed was a goddess...i am not a product of my environment i stand alone strong and willing to learn ...i am blunt yet shy as hell, speak strong words of wisdom yet i love to embrace tha child inside of touch with my very own sexuality...i dont judge i embrace...society wants me to be like them i strive to be the opposite of her and go beyond him! she depend on others to support her lazy ass while i lrn to breathe, grow and flourish on my own...
i will make u love when u didnt think u would eva again, i will tell u what u dont want to hear, i can make u think beyond the depth of ur subconscious and i will become ur drug.
im real 100% me= friendly loving caring honest loyal flirty a sassy motha fucka.
im 23 & mixed= cape verdean, irish, and brown (i hate when ppl say im black) lol.
Im country from Durham,NC currently in Boston for now. im a entrepreneur; i have goals i don plan on being lazy & not workin but instead moving ahead in life. I have a head on my shoulders, im too deep to b shallow ya digg!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Gaze into each others eyes. Breathe each others air. Embrace each other for a few. Tell one another how much you adore each other. Slowly undress each other admiring what you see before you. Confess your inner secret insecurities as you undress the other as they do the same to you. As you are, bare skin and no secrets, your bind together will be even stronger. Standing behind her, staring into a mirror, you are able to see what she sees, feel what she touches, and more; as you glide you hand over her curves. Look into the reflection of the mirror and then into her eyes; develop that sense of trust no one else could brake. Gracefully move your have to her sweet spot and begin to masturbate her. When you are wearing nothing in front of a mirror while touching each other it can be extremely enticing.
Move toward the bed and lay her down. As you place kisses on each other become intertwined in infatuation. Now is the time to show how devoted you are. Take turns relax and lay back, enjoy the ride; the both of you will experience it. Prepare her for what she is about to become familiar with. Grab her hand and place it on your dick, motion her to stroke it right. After she gets you going, get away from her grip and press against her clit. Rub it back and forth so she can feel the friction and passion you are about to release to her. Taking your time instead of rushing it will never compare to any other experience. During this special occasion you guys will realize the loyalty you have for each other.
Now let her get a taste. Seduce her with the tip of your tongue. After you are through with her hell worship you. Lay her on her back and lay between her legs. Then place ur two fingers between her legs, pass litely over her clit and massage it. As you circle it, press your tongue back and forth across it. Lick upward and place luscious kisses every few centimeters until you reach the hood. When you do get to the hood suck on it, flick it and suck on it. Your lips are very sensitive and soft to the point where a simple kiss can cause an orgasm.
Roll her over and give her the best time of her life. Spread her legs apart well enough to get in between with out a problem. Message her feet; kiss her ankle, calves, and inner thigh softly. Place your whole tongue on her clitoris and then move back to use the tip. You should know how the rest goes. As you place even more kisses pass her navel and her stomach you reach her breast. There you admire the size and shape of her nipples before sucking them gently.
She pulls you up and you grad her hips as you position her. Look into her eyes and tell her how much you care about her and would never dream of hurting her, stroke. Soon you feel her feet glide up and down the back of your calves, stroke. Your strap is wet from the water fall she possesses, stroke stroke. As you stroke, your chest becomes tighter and you breathe heavier, stroke. The more intense you become the more every muscle in both of your bodies tighten up.
As you become one another and close your eyes, you realize the smell of passion. All your senses become stronger. The smell is now an aroma. Touch is not thought of it is now an instinct. Hearing only consist of the panting you both breathe consistently. And taste is now numb kissing of swollen lips and tongues. Karma Sutra is where you guys are headed, slowly and tenderly. Your affection for one another is heightened as you change positions.
Deep inside her as she move her hips. The way you perceive her is more meaningful then ever. It is crazy how you can express the way you love with out words. By entering into a body that is not yours, but yet you can become one with. The drive she exerts is only full of life and moans of pleasure. Time is still until you both reach the ultimate orgasm. The pleasure never last forever but the memories will. The passion you share will overtake other pains caused by outside forces. Yet you will remember the way she rotated her hips. Think of different ways to grind and drive her to an orgasm. Memorize all the slipping out from her being too wet. Most importantly you both will remember your hearts pumping endlessly because you're weak for each others love.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
She place her hand on my face and said to me I longed to look into those eyes and read ur thoughts, she touched my lips and said to me I longed for the day when I can see ur words. She kissed me and then said to me I am in love wit thee...
She made the world seem as though it had not existed, that spring time was all year and there was no such thing as starvation of any kind. Her eyes shine like the brightest star in any galaxy. I could stare for hours into her eyes and wonder what's going on in her universe. She was never too calm or extremely excited for an activity. She lived every moment like it was the greatest.
She had a great quantity of wisdom due to the fact she looked at everything from as many angles as she could. Rarely could you find her in her element, she didn't have one. She had no boundaries, barriers or lines to cross nor brake. She was an open book and a pencil. She was ready to write and occasionally scribble down everything she's learned in life
Close your eyes, lets me glide my finger down your spine and around you nerves. Feel the tingle of sexual sensation. Take in all of the emotion I'm about to release to you.
Your skin is so soft, so warm and so tender. As you stand before me, I admire the body you are so fond of. It's firm in most spots and tender in others. What I call just right. Not too sweet, not too salty.
I press my lips against your left ear lobe. Seductively whisper in your ear how much I have wanted you. Gently I glide my tongue ring behind your ear and slowly down your neck. A chill runs through you.
So your mind begins to expand and thoughts broaden. I explore you as I step back to take a look at you. The shape of your lips, the width of your shoulders to the defined muscles in your legs,the definition in of your abs to the small of your back I admire it all. Your body is a temple, one forbidden and unexplored by me. I plan to discover the unknown and make the finding my treasure.
I softly move my right hand across your stomach and feel the curves of your fit body. I follow the trail of neatly trimmed hair that shows me the way to your pleasure. I walk behind you and glide my hand from the middle of ur chest down and in between your legs while to feel ur warmth.I then walk around you glancing at ur body, stop in front of you to look you deep in the eyes of love.
Shortly after I place graceful kiss on clit where I use my tongue in a manner I never thought before. Without hesitation I lean spread ur legs and insert my tongue. I open become comfortable and confident as ur back arches and moans arise and juices flow.I swallow your love. Before I stop, I play with the most sensitive part of a woman's body. One most women don't know of and I 'm not about to give it away either.
Before I begin to excite myself of a pleasure I have never experienced with you or no other before you pull me up towards you. We inhale a deep passionate kiss from my lover, the one I adore.
Your hand so firm yet such pleasant touch, takes hold of my breast. Gradually but persistently you fondling my nipples in circular motion and I love it. Looking into my eyes you place your mouth on them as if they are a passion fruit and you love the taste.
The expression on your face tells me a story I have never herd. A story of intimate and seductive sessions we are about to have. And experiences we will remember in the future. Your gaze promises me trust, loyalty, honesty and all that we can't say at these moments but our eyes do.
You gradually place your self on your knees by amusing my sensitive nerves on my stomach with your tongue. Before you do, you fondle my belly ring with you tongue while you glide your hand down my stomach, around my waist, grips my ass and slowly places his hands between my thighs to separate my legs.
Opening me up with two fingers and playing with my clitoris. I throw my head back against the pillow while you insert your tongue in side of me. Like the waves you are in motion. Never still, you keep me amazed.
I can't wait any longer. So I grab your biceps and pull you towards me. You look at me; place a kiss on my forehead while you position yourself clit to clit,we become one. We can now feel more emotion then before, now pleased that we can feel how pleasurable we are to each other we begin to grind. Inside I feel physical, emotionally and mentally attached to you. Now we move in rhythm of passion and romance. As we get into it more we start to try new things.Strap on,both legs up near my head; I can feel it the most. Me with one leg up on my side; you hitting it from the back. you on the bed; and I glide down one it in a side split position back facing you. The ultimate; me on all fours, actually my legs on the bed and my hands were on floor. From there you picks me up; rap both legs around you, insert it, and bang it out. On to the love seat in our room; I gladly take control and ride away into the sunlight. Until you put your knees under my ass and place your penis inside of me with my legs on your shoulders. As we slow down and end the morning in heat and sweaty passion he holds me closely and whispers he loves me as we fall asleep in each others arms.
in ur arms pt1
But like I said u already know. You got me feeling all warm inside. Make me smile all the time. Treat me special and write me poems. Ill do the same for you and even more. And this is how are days would be.
Wake up in each others arms. Holdin each so tight. Look into ur eyes with so much feelings. Breathe in deep and give u a good morning kiss. Both of us dont want to let go but we have plans. So we stay for just a few more mins as u caress my face and tell me good morning. I look into ur eyes and tell u about my dreams. Ten minutes later we're up bout to hop in the shower. U and me washing each other down massaging each other 2000 body parts. Taking our time even though we have to work. Hop out the shower then u look at me like u wanna start something b4 we leave. Sittin on the bed putting ur shoes on is hen I walk by u wit my towel on and whisper in ur ear ...dont start something u know u dont have time to finish. But I tell u I got something for you lata. We split n go our ways for the day.I call u on my brake n leave u a seductive message. U call me back like what are you getting into u. u miss me huh? I let u know by telling u how I feel n moaning in ur ear. Damn neither of can wait to get home. The day seems so long when ur not by my side. So stressful and demanding being with u is like being at ease I can breathe clearly and knowing u will let nothing come in the way of making me stressed. Driving home I stop by the store as fast as i can. My phone rings and guess that it is, my baby. Pick it up and say was good? Come home soon cuz I need u. So I hurry up n get in n out of the store as I can. I pull up n your not even home yet. So I take the advantage n get ready. Make you a meal and when its done I put it in the oven so it will stay warm because when you gets home you'll b eating dessert before dinner. I hop in the shower to freshin up a bit
Put on some of tha exclusive shit to smell all good. And throw on the music. Right on time. U walk in the door looking for a greeting but Im no where to b found. U look around the house in every spot u can think of. But I come out of no where and glide my hand softly down ur back. I hope I didnt scare u I only wanted it to be a surprise. Damn if ur mouth could drop n e lower. I grab ur face and place a kiss on ur lips. And lead u to the bed room. Stand u in front of the bed and take off ur clothes piece by piece. Looking into ur eyes I can tell ur anxious but u wait patiently. And I appreciate how u wait even when u know you can be so selfish if you wanted to be. Now that ur completely in the nude I take my time and look at chu, hmmm I love what I see. But I dont rush into n e thing. Keep it slow and seductive. Lay u down on ur back and get on top of you. I reach over ur head and grab the hot oils. I know u had a long day at work so I give u a message caressing you and kissing every inch of ur beautiful body. I work from ur hands down to the souls of ur feet. And then I come up to greet u with a kiss so passionate that u cant take it n e more. U flip me over n kiss me like our first time and take off my Victoria Secret red lace number. Then u take the time to kiss every spot of my body with intensity and stop at my navel. When I decide to stop u and lay u back down and whisper to u, no let me do what I want. I decide to blind fold u with a lace cloth and reach for something out of the fridge next to our bed. Like u did to me, I kiss all of ur spots and more. As I reach ur stomach I spray the whip cream on ur navel and lower. My lips moist in full with u and the whip cream. Damn I think u dont even begin to know bout that experience of cold, wet, warm and moist. I can honestly say it is divine. But I see ur feelin and lovin the attention. So I take my time to spread your legs wider and position myself. I dont know how or why, but riding you drives me wild. To the rhythm of the music I give to u my spirit as do you. Hold me close to you as I glide back n forth towards you. Keep in mind where we want to reach a world of our own, in ecstasy. Kissing me on my neck me on ur ears. Its getting intense and the motion is getting faster. But you dont want it to be over so u turn me over on my back lift y hips and find my pleasure with the tip of ur tongue. Take my body and message it in all kinds of ways. Suck on my breast and leave love mark on my neck for the world to know how we feel about each other. I want to knowu, I want to please you never do i dont want to tease you. As you glide your hand down the side of my body you stop at my hips and reach around my back to lift me up by my ass. As I arch my back you and me become one. Deeper and deeper. You lift my leg up over your shoulder so I can feel it even more. Only for u to stop and give me a kiss so gentle and loving. Thats all it takes is for u to be inside of me and share the feeling of love with a kiss. Again we share the rhythm of love in different ways. You holding me from behind, me looking into your eyes, or us standing in front of each other. No matter how long or fast its all meaningful love that we share with one another save the rest for later
a love letter
To my destiny,
I am writing to you, now, to tell you what I wish to do for you in the future. Everyone has a destiny to be forfilled and maybe this is ours. I can only hope that you are the one and if not I pray that I will never be forgotten in your mind. So now I want express my emotions which are indescribable. I feel as though every minute I wait to be with you is going to make everything else more intense; like the way we look into each other eyes, hold hands, hug each other, kiss one another, make love to each other.
I cant wait for the moment I hear the way you call my call name. Take me into your arms and never let go. I only imagine the way you will look into my eyes with passion; so deep and filled with emotion. I cant bare it any more I need to know my destiny, our destiny.
The very day we give our love to each other can and only will be described in detail. And this is the case.
Me and you have been alone for quite some time, in your house. So I decide to take a bath. And you begin to run the bath water for me. While I get ready you decide to make your move. Fill the tub with bubbles and surround the tub with candles. You turn the lights down low. When I walk in the room you already have your clothes off and are in the tub.
You look so sexy. The way your skin looks wet and your eyes glisten in the dim light. Your lips look delicious and I want to kiss you.
I walk towards the tub seductively taking off my clothes teasing you. As I walk I take off my robe and slowly unbutton my black lace bra. I turn around to show you my back side while I slide the bra off and take hold of my breast with my left arm. You continue to stare. As I stand in front of you I reach for your hand and place it on my thong. Oh, I know, as I bend over in front of you that you wish you knew the flavor of me; maybe, cherry, vanilla or strawberry. As I bare all of my assets to you I turn around and lift my leg up on the side of the tub. I place my hand around your face and pull you near. You get on your knee and begin kissing my thighs. Your lips so soft, so gentle on my delicate skin. As you make your way up you place two fingers inside of me and make me moan softly. Gradually you place your tongue on my clitoris and move your tongue in a manor you know will blow my mind. And yet, after a little while I command you to stop. And I climb in with you.
My back facing you, you begin to rinse warm water and oils all over me. It feels so good to be pampered for once. You glide the cloth along my skin and chills run down my spine as you place deep passionate kisses along my shoulder. You pull me closer to you in order to wash my neck, breast, and stomach. And then place your hands in between my thighs. I turn to face you, place my legs on both sides of you. I pull you closer to me and take the cloth out of your hand. I place the cloth back into the water and then wash your body as if was a rare piece of gold. You are precious and rare to me. There is no other like you around, so I will treat you as royalty. So I will care for you and make sure you have everything you need in a woman.
I look into your big brown chocolate eyes and demand your attention. Then you kiss me deeply and trace me lips with your tongue. I could kiss you for hours on end but I choose to do more than that. As you whisper in my ear the feelings you have for me I place small kisses on your ear and down your neck. To hear your voice so seductively seduces me. I move away from you steadily. You lean me back to observe my body and you lean forward to place your mouth on my breast. Your lips around my nipple make them swell. And I go under the water to alleviate to tension I hold.
As I come back up you take me out of the water and into your room.
Relax, and lay down across the bed for me. Let me take control of the nerves in your body. I pull out the lotion and rub it along your body, massaging each and every part of you. I massage your feet, calves and much more. Retracing your body with kisses such a tease, but I will hold you to it. I reach for your inner thigh and start to place deeper kisses while I play with your clit. I take it into consideration its been awhile for the both of us, i plan to make this last. Then I trace ur love with my tongue leavin it moist. Before I place my tongue inside of u any further I look at you and confess my emotions with one look. I continue tickling ur pleasure with my lips tongue and fingers as much as u can handle while i swallow ur passion. I can tell you enjoy it. You tense up and grab me close to your face. Thats when I climb on top and you embrace me. Your smell is so pleasant. Almost like a smell that brings back a memory.
Blind to what I am about to experience, I press myself down on you. Warm,wet and tite and throbbing is the feeling I have when u glide me down the strap. I place my hands in yours and move to a rhythm of our own. Slow, we then eventually come to a world created in our mind filled with ecstasy. For hours we grind and wind in the nude where ever our passion brings us; all open spaces. From the bedroom where I ride my woman and take control. To the hallway where we give each other a tease on the oral. To the kitchen on the counter where we share and taste each other using exotic foods and grind until the day fades away into the night. All through the house anyone can hear you make me moan and scream your name.
This is all too surreal for me. But this is what was meant to be, this is our destiny. And in this case, forever, I hope to have more time and special moments in each others lives.
This is what I mean when I say im ur destoni.
another letter
Your skin is so soft, so warm and so tender. As you stand before me, I admire the body you are so fond of. Its firm in most spots and tender in others. What I call just right. Not too sweet, not too salty.
I press my lips against your left ear lobe. Seductively whisper in your ear how much I have wanted you. Gently I glide my tongue ring behind your ear and slowly down your neck. A chill runs through you.
So your mind begins to expand and thoughts broaden. I explore you as I step back to take a look at you. The shape of your lips, the width of your shoulders to the defined muscles in your legs, I admire it all. Your body is a temple, one forbidden and unexplored by me. I plan to discover the unknown and make the finding my treasure.
I softly move my right hand across your stomach and feel the curves of your fit body. I follow the trail of hair located under belly button to your penis. I take hold of it and stroke while I look you deep in the eyes of love.
Shortly after I place graceful kiss down to his penis where I use my tongue in a manner I never thought before. Without hesitation I lean in to kiss the head of my mans penis. I open up to a certain extent and put him in my mouth. I swallow only what I can handle few minutes only to tease while playing with his testicles. Before I stop, I play with the most sensitive part of a mans body. One most women dont know of and I m not about to give it away either.
Before I begin to excite myself of a pleasure I have never experienced with you or no other before you pull me up towards you. We inhale a deep passionate kiss from my lover, my man I adore.
Your hand so masculine yet so pleasing to your touch, takes hold of my firm breast. Gradually but persistently you fondling my nipples and I love it. Looking into my eyes you place your mouth on them as if they are a passion fruit and you love the taste.
The _expression on your face tells me a story I have never herd. A story of intimate and seductive sessions we are about to have. And experiences we will remember in the future. Your gaze promises me trust, loyalty, honesty and all that we cant say at these moments but our eyes do.
You gradually place your self on your knees by amusing my sensitive nerves on my stomach with your tongue. Before you do, you fondle my belly ring with you tongue while you glide your hand down my stomach, around my waist, grips my ass and slowly places his hands between my thighs to separate my legs.
He opens me up with two fingers and play with my clitoris. I throw my head back against the pillow while you insert your tongue in side of me. Like the waves you are in motion. Never still, you keep me amazed.
I cant wait any longer. So I grab your biceps and pull you towards me. You look at me; place a kiss on my forehead while your penis and my vagina become one. We can now feel more emotion then before, now pleased that you are inside of me. Inside I feel physical, emotionally and mentally attached to you. Now we move in rhythm of passion and romance. As we get into it more we start to try new things. Both legs up near my head; I can feel it the most. Me with one leg up on my side; him hitting it from the back. Him on the bed; and I glide down one him in a side split position back facing him. The ultimate; me on all fours, actually my legs on the bed and my hands were on floor. From there he picks me up; rap both legs around him, insert him, and bang it out. On to the love seat in our room; I gladly take control and ride away into the sunlight. Until you put your knees under my ass and place your penis inside of me with my legs on your shoulders. As we slow down and end the morning in heat and sweaty passion he holds me closely and whispers he loves me as we fall asleep in each others arms.
2 my love
Tender gestures of grace & compassion
dont you you want to bring me joy and ecstasy?
fill my eyes with glistening memories
as I wait for your touch....
The kindness of a stranger turns into one i kno
who understands far better than most
leaves me weeping, undone by gentleness.
The offerings of ritual and love brings solace
where there was once was n then taken away
the gift of your soothing warmth
surrounds my heart with future memories of the Spring
after the midst of cruel Winter.
With wise words, I am embraced by you
I feel the intensity of your glance upon my life
across this distant horizon
where rainbows shall dance endlessly
You smile. Your eyes which flash
Like lightning, brighten the darkness
Of my existence
Briefly! constantly!
But like the summer storm
Which threatens the western horizon
You remain on the periphery
Of my life.
All because of you I feel this way.
I wish you would come to stay.
Baby I am addicted to you.
There's so much more we can do spiritually and physically.
Whenever I see you my feelings are clear.
I just wish you would stay right here.
When your so far away I get so sad.
But I kno in my heart I cant be mad.
Your always there for me when I'm down.
I just want you to always be around.
I hope that soon I can be your boo.
Cause life is pointless without you.
If I asked you very with my heart
If I asked you pretty please
If I climbed a thousand mountains
If I braved the raging seas
Would you think of me as worthy
Better than all other women
If I crossed a million rivers
Honey would you love me then?
I've waited oh so long, it seems
to hear these questions posed.
Now I'll try to answer
and leave my heart exposed.
Don't climb a thousand mountains
Don't jump into the sea
Darling,please do nothing
but give your heart to me.
Put your heart here near mine
we'll make memories of our own.
Erasing the old shadows
of other loves we've known.
We can swim the seas together
or cross the farthest plane
Now I've tried to answer
will you ask again?
Never mind, forget my speech.
for a moment vision blurred.
Talking of mere dreams again
hearts break without a word.
Leave me just one memory
My love, before you go.
Will you kiss me deeply
I already love you so.
Everyday I contemplate on where I want to go and where I want to be. And I think who do I want or would like to be by my side for eternity. "Guess who", comes to mind?! Our paths to run into each other were destined from the day we are born. What people do not understand is our life was planned before hand. Yes, there are always multiple paths to choose from when you're on your journey. How ever, you know that it's all about you and where you want to go. Some paths are shorter but rougher and some longer and smoother. Others may be a mix of long paths with smooth trails at first or rocky paths that are shorter in length. The choice you make really does not matter because it was predetermined even if you don't think so. Every path you think is different ends the same. So my proposal to you is simple and as clear as the horizon. Matter of fact you can call me Horizon. I am as bright as bright as the sun shines when it starts to sets. I am as clean as the lines that divide the earth and the sun. I am the after glow that shines after the sun sets. I am the bright stars that reflect off the ocean. I am as calm as the serene colors you see blend at the horizon on any clear day. I am a priceless essential in your life. You see me every day. You know I exist but you really don't. You don't even really think twice about how priceless I truly am until you miss me. It's up to you whether or not you wan to travel the many paths or just one path to meet me one day. At the end of each day, at the end of each sunset and at the beginning of each sunrise our day will end in serenity with the horizon in view, priceless.
ur words u form to say to me are to realistic
everything u do for me is so thoughtful
u emotions are ballistic
come at me for the first with nothing but compliments
called me day and night early and late
and for that i will hold u down 100 percent
from day one that one day is all it took, i knew u was my soul mate
time goes on and life has its bumps
through it all we held down our love
never fought not even once
we helped each other ,pain, to get rid of
ur voice calms me on a rough ass day
doesnt matter if you didnt say i love u
i could hear it in the rhythm of ur voice anyway
for ever and always dead or alive ur always b my #1 boo
the look in ur eyes makes me unwind
the thought of u being wit me is unbearable
here or somewhere else the love i needed i came to find
the thought of living without having never known u is terrible
every time i make u smile i feel complete...i love u
I am the words you hear close to your left ear located behind you
there is more room for fun, creativity and life
I am the one that waked you in the heat of a dream when you were about to scream
your heart rate is so low you could of died in your sleep
I am the calm in the sky on a perfect day; you know the one you rarely stop to observe
the fresh air that you wish you could see
I am the thought that passes through you mind constantly
the good memories in your continence
You are only what they want you to be
you are wrapped in a democracy
You are the tool made for the job
the one who was freed from slavery but yet you work like a slave
You are now apart of the propaganda
like clay molded into what they want you to be
You are the portrait in a frame
only one, replicas are truly not the same
We need you to see
you can be free to breathe the air you want
You need to do what is whispered in your ear
creativity, life is nothing to be feared
I see this world is trying to change me
we need to study philosophy
This world is slaved by them
never will I give in, I need to be free
I need to me
that is my philosophy
a letter
To whom my desire to love belongs,
A letter not to be given to whom it belongs. Truly written from the soul and is inquired by those who have yet to read or know my emotions. My thoughts and feelings concealed.
Lust is for the weak, for those who are insecure and that is not me. I am compelled by love, romance and want for a relationship. I dream, aspire, and have great desire for life and love. I do not dare to say I wish we could be. Wishes can never truly be fulfilled if you are not motivated by passion. I can wish we were truly one; I have the passion to say so. On the other hand, I am unsure and confused by your actions and lack of communication if not physical.
The gaze given by your soft dark brown eyes warms me. I see love and deep interest. I see a soul inside you. Your embrace sends chills through me making me high. Your touches making me feel as though I am your only one as you please unselfishly. And your words, they mean so much to me. They inspire me, motivate me, push me and give me a sense of confidence and well-being.
You have such a presence when around me. Breathe and I and drawn towards you. Reach for me to be beside you and I feel loved. Talk to me and tell me all the right things. Alternatively, is this an allusion? I am confused by your actions.
I know you know that there is a deep connection whether physical or emotional, I feel you. Do not take me in to the dark world of lust when I am willing to be forward to you about my emotions. I want, no I need to know how u are feeling inside. Is this more then lust or is this more then a physical thing that we share.
Not only do I deserve not to be heart broken, so do you. I will never try to control you, rape you of your freedom or trap you in a world you do not wish to be. I will do for you as you do for me. It is only right.
Antoinette J.Pollard
when i looked into ur eyes
in the heat of the moment time stands still, prayers becomes song, day then meets night and then as everything is serene; the wind blows and creates beauty that will never be replicated again. It is in that moment that one realizes the meaning within truth. Discovering who they are, what love is and understanding the meaning of life and their place of that very moment was when i looked into ur eyes for the first time
u ever think
Its funny how shit changes. Ever think, not to think about shit and just let shit flow and let shit go. Everything was new, fresh and different- almost perfect but not quite.Everything and everyone has their flaws and insecurities that's what makes a relationship work because you have to deal with each other. Eventually, you start to think shit seems too good to be true and your mind starts going. Not even the fact your thoughts are running but your intuition is kicking you in the ass. And for some reason or another you have a feeling shits bout to change or hit the fucking bricks. i almost thought i was a physic . and then at the very moment they open they mouth to say something, in your mind you got deja vu and an epiphany all at once. And the various moments, good or bad suddenly, seize to exist. Ever try to make someone as happy as you could even to the point where everything that makes them mad you change. before you know it your not acting like yourself. Your people are wondering whats wrong with you and how come your not they same old person. You over here not saying anything to get them mad , but they become mad anyway cuz you don know what to say anymore. when your around one another ya'll tense and full of confusion .From that very moment you know everything you do or say will get them mad but. So you try not to get them mad in anyway . So instead of saying or doing shit that would get them mad you try to avoid the simplest thing that would get them mad but it only makes shit worse.Eventually emotions are circling and you simply forget how to react to even the simplest gesture. At that moment you dont want to give any sign of weakness yet your excited to know that they all well.. i cant begin to describe how i feel about how it feels to be in love and loose. cuz it hurts
The depth of her eyes told me a story; one that made me empathizes and yearn to love her. She was a sassy young thing with insecurities. But I was willing to give her strength and confidence. She had soft lips, dark deep brown eyes and a body of a goddess. Her name was unknown to me but I saw her around.
I am not a big fan of gossip yet the story being told is she lives life of torture and grief. Going out often was not on her agenda. I wanted to free her from this pain. Let all of her emotions out and in the open. Then, will I be able to let her see how much I could love her. I was willing open her heart, mind and sexuality with my sincerity to love her for whom she is.
She sat across from me at the local diner wearing a short beige summer dress. The dress looked aged and dingy. It was as if it belonged to her mother in her youth. Over it, she had a baby pink knitted sweater that seem fairly new. She was sweet, innocent and the sent of her perfume was soft from the morning shower. As she read her newspaper, I could not help myself admire her legs. They were long, soft and dark from the suns kiss. From the bottom of her feet to the inner of her thigh, I would gently trace my fingers to entice her. The thoughts kept running through my mind and I started day dreaming about what I could do to her.
Suddenly, I was shaken out of my desire for lust by the one I admired. I was caught. Trapped nowhere to go, run or hide to. There she stood above me looking at me with me a quizzical look on her face.
"Do you see something that interests you or do I have a stain on my clothing?" is the way she addressed me.
I simply replied, "Yes, you are of my interest. Some what mysterious and it seems as though you lack confidence as well as character." I simply wanted to help her.
"Who the hell do you think you are? You are ignorant to address me in such a manner. For one, you don't even know me" she replied.
I knew she would of responded aggressively but i thought her defense would of consisted of little or weak vocabulary. Surprisingly, her vocabulary was fare.
I could feel my heart pace faster then any tribal drum during a ritual. So I took a deep breath and I offered an opportunity of a lifetime.
"How about I help you?" I paused and looked at her with cockiness.
"Why do you think I need any help at all? And in what way do you think you help do so?" she questioned me.
"What if I could help you look into your soul and help you become the brilliant star you yearn to be?"
"And what makes you think I'm not a star right now?"
"Right now you have the moon blocking you but I can see your shining bright behind it. I want to help you get in front that moon."
Simply she was still naïve and willing to gain some type of character, she then submitted. I then invited her to sit down and convers about the simple things in life in order to get away from all the tension. The articles in the newspapers, the weather and where she grew up were all incorporated into our little conversation where I happened to look less interested in anything she had to say. But I had to make it seems as though I was not sexually attracted to her. So I invited her back to my studio when I realized she was opening up more.
I gestured for us to leave and I paid the tab on the way out. She walked nervously with her head down and her knees hitting each other every couple of steps. On the way to the apartment, I mentionedto her,
"Walking with confidence, even if there is lack of it, is key."
Three blocks to the left of the café stood my apartment bare with little furniture. I had moved into town about three months prior to me noticing this young lady. My aprtment was bare. Few pieces of furniture and hundreds of candles in order to keep cost low. I aquired some pieces from those in the building who were receiving new furniture. The bed was handed down to me by my grandfather along with some dressors. The only new pieces belonged to the kitchen and dining room. I was a struggling atrist and part time personality coach for actors. To keep myself busy I would usually people watch at the diner, Local Park and from my window.
We stepped inside and I asked to take her sweater but she refused. She looked puzzled but I ignored her and asked did she want a glass of wine? She insisted on the count of calming her nerves down because they were bad.
I questioned her indirectly about her personality, education, and sexuality. Her expression was of astonishment yet she answered shyly, remembering I was there to help her. As I gathered my facts, I concluded her wants and needs. I asked her to test herself. She then proceeded to throw back the glass of wine along with two more and asked, "How am I supposed to do that?" She was open to more questions so I told her to test her insecurities and see how comfortable she is in her own skin. Again, for some reason or another she agreed.
I placed my hand out, palm faced up as she put her hand within my own and led her into another world. Without being openly nosy about who she was I asked simple questions that led to bugger answers then she was giving. With ever question she became more comfortable in who she was and with me.
From that moment on, we were inseparable. Everyday, she would open herself to me with every new exercise I planned. Trust activities to simple childish games as charades we would let all of our secrets unfold. It has been three months and I feel like we have grown together as well as apart.
Alone, she is now vibrant and as outgoing as any one would want to be considering where she came from. She walks with her head high and her hair flowing in the wind. Usually though her hair is pulled back in a bun due to the hot weather. Instead of lifeless pieces of fabric, she is wearing clothes that show off her delicate curves and beautiful skin.
What was just a simple attraction has developed greatly. After spending day after day with her, I became too comfortable with her around me. Suddenly, it was different when she was not around. I could not hold my composure and nor could I sleep. When she was at work, I did not know how to function. What once could be a single person activity I tended to make a group thing. I had to let her know how I felt.
It was quarter to nine when I decided to get the apartment ready for her. The apartment is never that much of a hassle to pick up after in the first place. There was a wrinkled black and red pinned striped collared shirt on the couch. Along with that, some boxers and the Dockers I had took off earlier. On the bed, there were some of her clothes from the night before when she slept over. I laugh out loud thinking about how drunk we got last night.
Which then lead me to worry about the cooking and setting the mood? So I had about five minutes to run to the store down the street and come back in order to make dinner on time for her to walk through the door.
"Do you need help finding everything for dinner?" the service clerk asked while I ran down the can food aisle in order to get to the seafood court.
"No I'm good, I have everything in the back ready to go. I just have to pay for everything", I screamed to him while pulling my money out of my back pocket. When I reached the back Ryan had everything ready for me to go in a paper bag rapped in a plastic bag and told me where everything was and how long to cook it. Then he gave me the total and I threw him $40 and ran out the door. As I ran around the corner, I almost fell on a broken jar of pickle juice a five year old had broken. That is one thing I did not like about this town, none of the parent cared whether or not their children were behaved or not.
Back at the apartment, I already had the water boiling for the Tortellinis. On the counter was lettuce, cucumber, carrots and tomatoes for the salad. In the oven, I had marinated lobster and shrimp surrounded by vegetables. Oh, you could smell the scents throughout the building and I could hear the moans and murmurs of the neighbors wishing they were having a meal like this. While I waited for the dinner to finish, I set the table. The table was round and in the center was black and red candles of all shapes and sizes arranged in different orders. On the left was the bucket, inside laid to bottles of Armosa surrounded by ice. The place mats were black with a tint of gold around the edges, which matched the red roses sprayed with gold on them that were placed strategically throughout the apartment.
It was a long day at work and I could tell from the way she dragged her feet down the hall. She was not expecting much for a Thursday night, just another one of our revealing sessions of truth or self-expression. Indeed, it would be but then again not the way she thought about it. The candles lit and the food placed on the table was as perfect as she was. Her expression was priceless. She could not stop blushing and she nearly dropped everything to the floor to show her appreciation. She never came close to touching me not even in three months. We simply never made the gesture to do so. And with her history, of being raped and molested by different men in and out of her family, I never wanted to give her a reason not to get close to me.
We ate in the candle lit apartment and talked about her day and about starting new beginnings with each other. She was so happy. Yet, I told her I have something extremely important to show her. This thing could decide our fate together and whether or not she wanted to accept it was on her. And her decision would not offend me in anyway. She simply made a smirk and said, "I trust you and I would never judge you ". So after dinner I took her hand and led her to the bed.
Again, you could see the rose peddles on the floor and all over the bed. I sat her down and got on my knee. She gasped, I could see the tension in her eyes, but I simply reached for her feet to slide her work shoes off. From there I rubbed her inner soul and unleashed my feelings with ever movement I made.
"From the moment I seen you I was attracted to you" I switched from one leg to another "I knew there was more to you then what people said".
I leaned forward my hand went further up her calves. "You are truly amazing and you have transformed into a butterfly and I caught you and I don't want to let you go".
I looked into her eyes to see if she would reject me and everything that I was saying, but she gestured for me to continue. I could have taken a whole other direction but I decided to get intimate with her. I directed her to lie back while I proceeded to release her clothing from her body.
I could tell she was willing to let me go further yet I always made sure she was comfortable. She was an open book to by now. At this point, I knew every facial expression and what exactly it meant when it was made. For the next two hours, we spent in silence and we danced to the sound of moans and pleasure.
Free from her clothes I took a moment and stepped back to admire her. The shape of her thighs were perfect, her hips just right and her breast were perky. Her hair was out of the bun and lay across the bed now, what I site to see her laying there as if she was still a virgin. Either way, I was planning on making special as if it was her first time.
I proceeded; I took my time and graced her body with both of my hands caressing each part of her body. I started from her lips. The moment our lips embraced and our tongues wrestled I could feel our heart beats racing faster then a bullet. As we kissed passionately, I traveled from the valley to the mountains and decided to engulf life's simple pleasure of a women's body. Her breast fit perfectly in my hand and her nipples stood hard like a pebble. As I seduced her body with my tongue, I could feel her hands grabbing for me but I pulled them back for her to wait. It only drove her wild for me to do such a thing as I continued. My lips moved across the vast lands of mountains to the plains of her navel. There is where I tickled the most sensitive part of her body with my hair. I could hear her moans growing louder and more in tune with mines. My body moved slowly inching down kissing every part of her body.
When the candle was dim enough where I could still see the pleasure written over her face I made my move to give her pleasure every women should endure. I stood on my knees between her legs with my hands placed around her waist. Slowly I traced my fingertips from the out side of her soft curvy hip and between her thighs. I forced her legs open attentively and outlined her love. I traveled to the waterfalls hidden between the walls of love and played like a child for hours. I indulged her clitoris and swallowed her love. At the very moment I could feel her body tense and her hands reaching out to grab for something I slowly let go.
The candles around the room slowly dye out as the night goes on and the apartment fills with passion. As she relaxes I turn my back towards her and begin to take my clothes off. On the floor I leave my shoes pants and collard shirt leavin on nothing besides the boxers and undershirt. Sitting on the edge of the bed I turn my head over my shoulder to look at her. My body is shaking and I can feel the pulse of my nerves. Yet she smiles with inpatients and gestures for me to come lay next to her. I turn around I put my hands over her lips to hid her expression on her face that I was scared to see. Yet she had no fatal expression, no disgusted look or one of confusion. She took my close off of me and begins to run her fingers across my body the way I did to her stopping at my breast. She began to run her fingers along my nipple enticing me in a way I thought she would reject me. Instead she embraced new experiences and loved me the way I loved her. She began kissing me all over and stopping at my navel teasing me with her soft lips.
I couldn't control it anymore, my dying love for her; I gently flipped her over and positioned her. From that moment we became one. Though different for her and just another way to show my love to her she never ejected me. As we caressed each other, kissed each other and looked into each other's eyes. Passion rose and our love escalated as two clitoris' ran back and forth against each other in heat. At the heat of the moment all excited would not fall we both climaxed into each other's arms.
At the end of it all, I shall admit I was the one with the insecurities. When you love someone for whom they are and when they encourage you to be who you are nothing can get in the way. We love each other to this very day. And nothing or no one can stop us from making each other complete. She is my love and I am hers.
Deep Confessions
I look ova my shoulder into a set of deep browns
Ova my shoulder there was her caress
I can feel my heart pounding
And chills runnin thru my body
A presence moves closer to the back of my neck
Soft words in my ear...
Can she see how I react to her
How she makes me breathe heavy
How my heart skips a beat
How her touch mesmerizes me
Down the arch of my back I can feel her fingers dancin...
As she sits behind me with her breast sitting on my back, I can feel...
Feel the rhythms of our hearts beat as 1
N when she places her head on my shoulder and tells me how much she cares for my company
I am indeed involved
As I gracefully pass ova her smooth curves I feel the warmth of her body
Small kisses to the navel
and with every kiss I look up n into her eyes
I stop and feel the moment for what it is...
Feel the passion, ora and sensation we have together
We r in a world of ecstasy.
As we swallow each other in the heat of the moment I kno it all has to end......
Ova my shoulder I look into a set of deep browns
N then walk out into a world of truth n lies
Home to hide and lay in my lies
Ova my shoulder I look into a pair of hazels
Soft and tender
Delicate and loving
How much longer can she bare it all
Can she see the way I react to her
Can she feel the way my heart beats for her
Does she understand I am too involved
I can see the pain in her hazels
Feel the tension on her soft body
Our hearts no longer beat to the same song
Our home has become a house, a storage
Will I eva b able to live as a whole
My heart is split in2
2deep to not b involved in this
This moment is compelled with deep tension and despair
Disappointment is drawn with tha veins in her four head
Compelled by infatuation I stare into the soft hazel and deny all of my passions to the point I believe my lies to be truth...
She's places her gentle hand on my face and whispers
Ur heart is no longer with mine, we do not share the same dreams and u have not believed in being faithful for awhile now..
I have consumed myself with the intuition and faith from above
I will no longer lay in my sorrows over u
At this very moment I can't think someone who loved me with everything they had in themselves no longer does and has lost all respect for me brakes me into pieces....
And so I sit in the dark alone with my lies and without unconditional love by my side for the simplest pleasure that last only a few hours....
I confessed everything with my eyes, she said they were no longer deep brown and filled with love they were shallow and empty with deep confessions and lies
untitled n not finished tell me wha u think
It was going on 7 o’clock when I started to pack up my shop and head out the door. I happened to grab my coat, paper work from today’s sales and an empty lunch container that need to be washed from last Friday. Today for some reason seemed to drag more then a usual Wednesday. It was maybe 75 degrees outside all day, maybe 70 now. I always kept my shop doors open during the summer so I could hear the children running amuck, the adults talking louder and louder because they have consumed one too many beers and smell the sent of ribs and burgers being grilled in the neighbors yards. As I turned to lock my doors I happened to fumble with my keys considering I had a hand full of shit.
"Hey neighbor" a friendly older gentleman said as he walked past and lifted his little grey hat. "Sure is nice out here in these parts". Mr. Jones was the old wise man who sat out side his home in a rocking chair with a Heineken. Today his limp seemed a little worse he was leaning more to the right every time he too a step with his left leg. He was so cute, with every step I almost thought he was going to fall over. Mr. Jones once taught English and Philosophy. Never have I heard his talk about going to college, I assumed he used all personal experience. ....
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"Sure is, Hun sure is", I replied as I locked my door struggling. The day had gone by too slow for my liking. Today was my day to order products for the salon, the kitchen and finalize payroll. Not only did I decide last week to rearrange the salon but I wanted to repaint it. In the midst of all that I forgot this was pay week. It’ fine though I finished all of the ordering and payroll while getting paint all over my Coach loafers. ....
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I decided to treat myself for ice cream at the local Dairy Queen if the line wasn’t half way down the street filled with over sugared children from the fair. I pulled from the curb and turned right onto
Broadway Street..... ....Haley.. ..Heights.... was a community not too many people would build a foundation around. There were a lot of low income building in the area that attracted thugs and hoodlums along with drugs. Lately though the police have been cleaning up the place quite well. The only problem is many of the women are now left to apply for welfare and raise their children alone. It’s sad but if this is what it takes to bring these women to reality, then so be it.....
Dairy queen wasn’t too bad, I drove into the parking lot and parked in the back. As I stepped out the car with my wallet in hand a friend from high school approached me. "Hey, Jasmine! Jasmine Lee, is that you girl? Oh my God! Girl you aint changed a bit" Cherrelle Murphy stood 5’5 dark brown skin and black hair that was held up by a bright colorful silk scarf. She still wore big hoop earrings, big gold plated rings, skin tight jeans and shirts. God what have I gotten myself into? I hope this is short. ....
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"Hey, how are you doing Cherrelle?" I said closing my door and putting the alarm on. Even though she was about to start running her mouth I still continued to walk towards Dairy Queen. I was hoping she would get the point or walk along. ....
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"I’m fine gurrrrl, you know me out here tryin to get this papa! Sooo, I heard you opened a shop how is that goin? Are you making serious money yet or what?" I knew exactly where she was going with this conversation. Just like any typical person from the hood. They see you are making a little bit of money and they want to out their hands in your pocket. ....
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"Can I have a medium vanilla cone dipped in cherry, please" , I asked the 17 year old Spanish girl at the window. ....
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"Is that all?" she asked me and I nodded, "your total is two dollars and seventy-nine cents". ....
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I handed her the money in exact change and turned to Cherrelle and said," listen, I don’t know exactly where you are going with this conversation. If you need a job I suggest you apply. If not, you need to go to a bank if you want to borrow money. And my business is doing well for where it is located and me coming from nothing." Her mouth dropped, she picked back up because I basically cut her throat. She then said she was glad to hear that and was wondering if she could come get a job and a hair cut? I took a lick of my ice cream and shook my head and continued to the car. ....
.. ..
I sat in the front seat and finished my ice cream before it melted all over myself. I leaned forward and reached for the glove compartment. I grabbed my phone and seen 10 missed calls, five text messages and three voicemails. Of course most of them was from the love of my life, she was home from work and waiting on me to get home. I lived out side of the hood so when ever I came home late she panicked. I threw on my Bluetooth and called her before I pulled off. ....
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"Hi baby, I’m on my way home" I said before she could speak one word. ....
"Ok I was getting worried. Baby, you know how I get when you are out late. Hurry home. Okay?"....
"I’m coming baby".....
.. ..
It only takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to get from one side of town to the other. I chose to place my salon close for the mere fact if something ever happens I would be able to get to it quickly. I pulled in the drive way behind a 2009 Cadillac two toned, money green with a gold tint to it and of course my baby had to have 24 inch rims. ....
MY big chop!!! june21st 09
like I've said it before, it all started a few weeks ago when someone started talking about BC, BC, BIG CHOP this n that...i was like WTH is tha??? so i googled it, youtubed it and so on...for 2 weeks i watched, learned and wrote notes...then on June 21st i called my BFF and was like "home girl.... wake up i need my herrrrrrrrr did" not hair but herrrrrrrrrrrrr lol ,yea so she went back to sleep.
3 hrs went by and i was still watching ppl actually do their big chop when the scissors found their way into my hands...and off it went and into the trash it goes. I felt lifted and really happy all of a sudden. i hopped in the shower washed my hair and conditioned it and it felt sooooooooo soft ...n then...i looked n the mirror...girl let me telll u........i look like a boi so i send my mom a picture and she said u look cute a cute boy, my roommate says i look like a BOBO (lesbian which i am) and my girl says i can be he lil boi..w.e they didn't i youtubed some moe .and found a toutorial on how to put in a weave that wont damage my hair( and forgive me when i remeber where i got it from i will post it). Ok cool...mission FailED! n e way i have pics! check em out! i had to do something cuz LAWD knows my blk behind wasnt going to pride lookin like a hot mess so i seweded in some weave real quick and kept it movin. .i'm weak i need help so i will be makin an appointment at a salon to help me maintain my perms are my enemy!!!!!!!!